Revista Internacional de Andrología

Print ISSN: 1698-031X | Online ISSN: 1698-0409

Revista Internacional de Andrología is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to publish cutting-edge basic, translational, and clinical research articles that enhance our knowledge and understanding of sexual medicine and andrology. The journal focuses on key topics such as sexual development, sexual dysfunction, male infertility, the role of sex hormones, urological diseases such as prostate disorders, and psychosocial and public health issues affecting men's health. It also encourages interdisciplinary collaboration to address global disparities in men's healthcare, aiming to promote the precision and humanization of andrology and men's health worldwide.

Revista Internacional de Andrología is the official journal of the Asociación Española de Andrología, Medicina Sexual y Reproductiva (ASESA), the Sociedade Portuguesa de Andrologia, the Sociedad Argentina de Andrología (SAA), the Asociación Iberoamericana de Sociedades de Andrología (ANDRO), and the Federación Española de Sociedades de Sexología.


Open Access

The process map of penile prosthesis implantation in outpatient surgery in Spain: a consensus document

Mapa del proceso de implantación de prótesis de pene en cirugía mayor ambulatoria en España: documento de consenso

Óscar Gorría,Matilde Zaballos,María Presa,Luis A. Hidalgo,Jessica M. Lorenzo,Juan I. Martínez-Salamanca,Rosario Merino,Ignacio Moncada,Esperanza Torres,Miguel A. Casado,Josep Torremadé

DOI: 10.22514/j.androl.2024.024

Abstract ( 1076 ) PDF (3.81 MB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Microsurgical vasectomy reversal: experience of a single center

Reversión microquirúrgica de vasectomía: experiencia de un centro

Débora Araújo,Alexandre Gromicho,Jorge Dias,Samuel Bastos,Tiago Gregório,Vitor Oliveira

DOI: 10.22514/j.androl.2024.025

Abstract ( 571 ) PDF (350.76 kB) ( 64 )

Open Access

Can the severity of erectile dysfunction be predicted by the change in plasma viscosity

Puede predecirse la gravedad de la disfunción eréctil mediante el cambio en la viscosidad del plasma

Salim Zengin,Muhammet Guzelsoy,Abdullah Gul,Metin Kilic,Ozgur Ekici,Caglar Boyaci,Deniz Barali,Yunus Karakoc

DOI: 10.22514/j.androl.2024.029

Abstract ( 661 ) PDF (450.7 kB) ( 57 )

Special Issues

Special issue title:

Advances in Male Infertility and Varicocele Treatment

Keywords: Male infertility; Varicocele; Oxidative stress; Sperm DNA fragmentation; Artificical Intelligence

Editor: Dr. Azizbek Shomarufov

Submission deadline: 26 June 2025

Special issue title:

Medicine Use and Sexual Function

Keywords: Medicine; Sexual dysfunction; Sexual health

Editor: Dr. Francisco Javier Del Río Olvera, PhD

Submission deadline: 15 November 2025

To Be a Reviewer

If you would like to volunteer to review a manuscript for Revista Internacional de Andrología journal, please click “Review for RIA below to register at our submission website or log in our Online Peer Review system. Your name, contact details, and expertise will be automatically added to our database of reviewers.

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You are welcome to join our editorial board. Our journal produces and issues editorial board certificates for editorial board members, and the journal website will display the names and personal websites of editorial board members to help enhance their scientific influence. Members of the editorial committee are entitled to 1 free publication (both editorial member’s or recommended paper) per year, and other articles over 2 can enjoy 30% discount of publishing fee.

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Dr. Juan Ignacio Martínez-Salamanca, MD, PhD, FACS, FEBU, FECSM

Dr. Juan Ignacio Martínez-Salamanca is a distinguished urologist with extensive academic and professional achievements. Graduating from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Medicine, he specialized in urology at Hospital Universitario Gregorio Marañón before obtaining a Ph.D. with honors from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He holds fellowships in prestigious organizations like the European Board of Urology, American College of Surgeons, and European Board of Sexual Medicine. His academic pursuits include master's degrees in Business Administration and Management of Health Services, and he completed leadership programs at renowned institutions like Harvard Medical School.

Professionally, he serves as a Consultant in Urology at Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro and founded Lyx Instituto de Urología. He held leadership roles in various hospitals and engages in teaching activities at several universities. His contributions to urological science are evident through roles such as Country Coordinator of the Uro-Andrology Group and Editor-in-Chief of Revista Internacional Andrología.

Dr. Esaú Fernández-Pascual, MD

Dr. Esaú Fernández Pascual is a young specialist in Urology. He obtained his medical degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, in 2013. He was certified as a specialist in Urology in 2019 at the Hospital Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Madrid, and since then he has been practicing at the Hospital Universitario La Paz and Lyx Instituto de Urología, in Madrid. He is particularly interested in the areas of andrology and reconstructive surgery, as well as uro-oncology; despite his short career, he has spent several periods at international centres of excellence such as the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center or the University College of London Hospitals and has published several articles in national and international high-impact journals. In the teaching field, he participates as a clinical collaborator at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and in the research field he has participated in several national and international clinical trials and registries related to andrology and urogenital reconstructive surgery. He is also a Fellow of the European Board of Urology (EBUF), Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine (FECSM) and member of several local and international scientific societies (SUM, AEU, EAU, ESSM and ISSM).