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MRE PRESS Payment Instructions and Article Processing Charges Instructions


These business terms and conditions apply to the purchase of contracts concluded through the website of and all subdomains (hereinafter referred to as "Website") or through related e-mail communication, and to all related services provided by MRE PRESS. Any user of the website or buyer of services shall be referred to as "Customer" throughout these terms and conditions.

Any business terms by the Customer which diverge from these terms and conditions shall not apply, unless expressly confirmed by MRE PRESS in written form.

Revista Internacional de Andrología relies on article processing charges (APC, $1500) to cover the expenses arising from the RIA website construction, maintenance of Online submission & peer review system, processing of a manuscript, third party (Crossref etc.) payment, and the services we provide to the authors and collaborating scholars.

Offering of MRE PRESS

MRE PRESS offers scientific publication and editorial services, which started when the Customer submit the manuscript through the website.

Purchasing of Services from MRE PRESS

The requirements for registering with the Website are that the Customer is of full age and has full legal capacity.

The Customer asks for contracting publication and editorial services with MRE PRESS the moment she/he submits an original scientific article ("Article") for evaluation through peer-review and possible publication by MRE PRESS.

The Customer is reminded that the submission of a manuscript will be regarded as the acceptance of Revista Internacional de Andrología’s publication fees (APC: $1500).

In case a Customer pays more than invoiced by MRE PRESS, any bank or transaction charges will be deduced from a partial refund of the overpaid amount.

Prices, Terms of Payment

Invoices are sent by e-mail to the payment contact person provided by the Customer soon after acceptance of an Article for publication.

Contract Document

MRE PRESS makes no provision for a separate contract document based on these terms and conditions. However, the Customer may check at any time the ordered services and status of the Article through her/his personal account on the Website.